Switch the Play Foundation

The Switch the Play Foundation is the UK’s only charity dedicated to supporting all sportspeople to successfully transition into life outside of sport.

Leaving a life in sport can be really tough. Not all sportspeople win gold medals, international caps nor million-pound contracts and when their sporting careers come to an end most will need to start a second career. The evidence shows that for some, this transition can also lead to a loss of identity, a lack of purpose and financial and mental health struggles.

They aim to make athlete transition a positive experience. Preparing sportspeople for that switch will help them fulfill their potential through and outside of sport.

Their mission is to improve the transition of thousands of athletes across all sports through training and development, influencing policy and working collaboratively with those who have a duty of care in sport.

Find out more about Switch the Play Foundation

For access to "Switched on", please visit https://www.switchtheplay.com/services/for-sportspeople/ 

Connect with TeamMate

An example of the easily accessible support Switch the Play can offer, is their emotional phone-call support service - TeamMate. When you aren't feeling yourself, sometimes it is easier to share those thoughts with someone outside of your initial circle. TeamMate can provide support and help you manage those feelings.